Exam Format

Exam Time

The total exam takes just under 90 minutes / 1.5 hours to complete, but you should plan for 2 hours, allowing 30 minutes for check in.

Exam Sections overview

section Estimated time Parts & Questions Description
Grammar 17 minutes 2 parts / 5 slides Fill in the blank / Choose incorrect word
Comprehension 9 minutes 2 parts / 4 slides name a picture / fill in the missing letter
Reading 20 minutes 10 questions / 2 Parts Read passages and respond to questions
listening 12 minutes 8 Questions / 5 audios Answer questions about the topic discussed in audios
Writing 20 minutes 2 Parts Compose two passages, each in which you express and provide opinion and description for the given topic.
Speaking 4 minutes 2 Parts Voice Recording: Speak out loud / answer an argumentative or discuss a topic.

Learn more about each test section

Below is a full explanation of Manchester Exam English Language Proficiency Assessment where exam is expanded from pure academic basis.

Manchester Exam consist of 6 sections :

Part 1

Type : Fill in the gap
Exam takers are required to read a paragraph that contains missing words and proceed to fill in the gaps with the grammatically correct word or phrase.

Part 2

Type : Choose the INCORRECT
Exam takers are presented with a paragraph that contains INCORRECT words, which they are required to recognize and select appropriately.

Part 1

Type : Name a picture
Exam takers are provided with pictures, each accompanied by a field, and they are required to correctly name the picture they see in each field.

Part 2

Type : fill in the missing letter
Exam takers are presented with words that contain missing letter(s), and they must fill in the correct letter(s) to complete the words.

Type: Audio with question/s

Number of parts : 3

Number of audios : 5 audios varies in length

Part 1

Number of Audios: 2

Approximate Length of Each Audio: 30 seconds

Number of Questions for Each Audio: 1

Part 2

Number of Audios: 2

Approximate Length of Each Audio: 60 seconds

Number of Questions for Each Audio: 2

Part 3

Number of Audios: 1

Approximate Length of Each Audio: 60 seconds

Number of Questions for Each Audio: 2

Methodology and aim :

Assessors will be looking for evidence of your ability to:

  • Understand the main ideas and detailed factual information in a text or conversation.
  • Identify the opinions and attitudes of speakers.
  • Determine the purpose of an utterance, such as to inform, persuade, or entertain.
  • Follow the development of ideas from one sentence to the next, or from one paragraph to the next.

Part 1

Type : Thoroughly read the passage and respond to four questions based on its content.
Each task is assessed independently.

Part 2

Type : Carefully read the longer passage and provide answers to six questions that pertain to its content.
The assessment of Task 2 carries more weight in marking than Task 1.

  • Each task is assessed independently.
  • Responses are assessed by certified MExam Graders.
  • All MExam Graders hold relevant teaching.
  • Scores are reported in whole and half marks.
  • Detailed performance descriptors have been developed which describe written performance at the Score.

Part 1

You will be presented with a picture and asked to describe it in as much detail as accurately possible.

Part 2

For this part, you will be prompted to write an essay in response to a given point of view, argument, or problem. The essay allows for a fairly personal writing style, providing you with the freedom to express your thoughts and ideas

This task evaluates the proficiency in adhering to English writing conventions, including the appropriate order of information, the suitable writing style, and the proper opening and closing of a letter. Additionally, it assesses the accuracy and appropriateness of language usage, as well as the capability to organize and connect information in a coherent and cohesive manner.

Responses are assessed on:

  • Task achievement
  • Coherence and cohesion
  • Lexical resource
  • Grammatical range and accuracy
  • Task response
  • Coherence and cohesion
  • Lexical resource
  • Grammatical range and accuracy.

Part 1

Exam takers will be given a paragraph to read out loud while recording their voice. You will have 1 minute to prepare and 1 minute to speak out loud. Please use the 1-minute preparation time given to you to prepare the passage before the timer starts.

Part 2

You will be provided a question and given 1 minute to prepare your answer. After the preparation time, you will have one minute to speak and record your response.

Assessors will be looking for evidence of your ability in the following four individual criteria:

  • Use of Grammar and Vocabulary
  • Discourse Management
  • Pronunciation
  • Interactive Communication.