School Profile

School Name: Westcliff University

School ID: 112

Country: USA

State: California

City: Irvine

Full Address: 17877 Von Karman Ave 4th floor, Irvine, CA 92614, United States

Manchester Exam Accepted score for UG


International students annual tuition


General information About the school

  • Westcliff University offers a range of educational programs for students looking to enter the fields of Business and Education.
  • Education and Campus Life: Westcliff University is comprised of a College of Business, College of Education, College of Technology & Engineering, and Western State College of Law. They offer over 70 degrees in the fields of Business and Education.
  • Transfer Opportunities: Westcliff University accepts transfer students with transfer credits that are awarded from institutions recognized by an accrediting body with Council for Higher Education Association (CHEA).
  • Location and Accessibility: Situated in Southern California and is close to Orange County Airport.

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Available Undergraduate Programs

Available Graduate Programs

Scholarships for international students

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English as a second language program